
Ainslie Speedy

If you had to describe yourself in one word what would it be? This was the hardest question! … Accepting

5 things you are passionate about Yoga, Food, Nature, Holistic health & Essential oils

 What does yoga mean to you? Wow yoga is everything to me. It is a way of life. It is a self care ritual where I can switch off, allowing  myself to slow down and become fully aware of my breath and body. It is here that what no longer serves me is released and where my inner calm, mindfulness and happiness is manifested. To me yoga is so much more than a 'work out'. It is just as much a 'work in' -  helping me show up as the best version of myself and live a life that is balanced and ultimately healthy. Yoga also helps me appreciate and honour the amazing things my body is capable of doing and regular practice makes me feel amazing from the inside out.

 How long has yoga been part of your life? 4 years

 How  did yoga come into your life? 4 years ago I was a bit of a frazzled mess - burning the candle at both ends, working a stressful job then punishing my body with running, cycling etc. I was extremely burnt out and diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. I had to give up all intense exercise to let my body recover (which was a struggle at the time!). 

I took up yoga as a means of gentle exercise. After persisting at yoga to just heal by moving my body gently, I became aware of the many other amazing mental benefits and became hooked. I started to realise how much more energy, mental clarity and calm I felt and wanted to get to India (where yoga came from) to learn much more by doing a teacher training! Upon returning from India in November 2018 I can hands on heart say it was the best thing I ever did. I am loving the continued learning and sharing my passion with my students.

 What was your first class like and what made you go to your second class? My very first yoga class was an Ashtanga Mysore class - a very traditional and challenging set sequence of asanas. No teacher leads you - you are working through the sequence yourself. This freaked me out big time but after doing it every morning for an intro week I loved it. The teacher kept me coming back and then I began to develop so much curiosity about the philosophy and the rest, which is why i am here today :)

 What is the posture you love the most? Salamba Sirsana ll (Tripod headstand). I love inversions - they always make me feel happy and remind me that I can achieve anything when I put my mind to it. They can also help me see things from a different perspective.

 What is the posture you love the least? Probably the splits!

 What is your teaching intention? To help and inspire my students to heal, receive and release - to accept and show up as the healthiest happiest versions of themselves.

What are words your students would quote you by? Nurturing, Understanding, Pure, Approachable, Passionate, Connected, Positive, Caring

 Anything else? "Yoga practice has nourished my soul and it continues to call me to be of service. I trust it and I claim it." ~ Nicole Markardt